Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Python script to get files from FTP site easily


from ftplib import FTP
import netrc
import re
import sys

directory = {"siteid":["hostname", "root directory of your ftp site"], "another_site":["another host", "another root directory"]}

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
   host = sys.argv[1]
   off_file = 2
   host = "hostname"
   off_file = 1

if not directory.has_key(host):
   print host, "is not currently supported"

# we use .netrc to store userid and password info.

net = netrc.netrc()
(user, acct, passwd) = net.authenticators(directory[host][0])

def main(argv):
   print "connecting ...", directory[host][0]
   ftp = FTP(directory[host][0])
   print "login'ing ...", directory[host][0]
   ftp.login(user, passwd)
   for i in range(len(argv)):
   sys.stdout.write("getting ... " + argv[i])
   p = re.compile('(.*)(/[^/]+)')
   m = p.match(argv[i])
   if m:
      path =
      filename =[1:]
      ftp.cwd(directory[host][1] + path)
      if len(path):
         file = open(argv[i], 'wb')
         file = open(filename, 'wb')
      ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, file.write)
      print " done"
      print "no matching .."

if __name__ == '__main__':
   if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
      print "Usage: get [host] file_to_be_get\nHost: siteid(default), another_site\n"