Thursday, March 16, 2006

my .screenrc file

startup_message off # default: on

# Affects the copying of text regions
crlf off # default: off

#vbell off
vbell_msg " __bell__ ! "

defscrollback 3300 # default: 100

#nethack on

bindkey -k kI copy

bindkey "^n" screen bash
bindkey "^b" next
bindkey "^v" prev
#bindkey "^p" prev
#bindkey "^1" select 0
#bindkey "^2" select 1
#bindkey "^3" select 2

hardstatus alwayslastline " %{= wk} %c | %d.%m.%Y | %{= Bw} %w %{= dd} "
screen -t "bash" 0 bash